June 28, 2024

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Where did Maine swimmer James Wells propose to U.S. Olympian Lilly King?

At the U.S. Olympic swimming trials. At the World Aquatics Championships. At the Winter Swimming World Championships.

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What is the purpose of the act affecting WWII nurses that was introduced in Congress and backed by Sen. Angus King?

To provide financial compensation to WWII nurses. To award WWII nurses with the highest civilian honor from Congress. To recruit nurses for future military service.

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Which two districts are the national Democratic Party targeting to flip in the Maine Senate?

Districts 15 and 20 Districts 10 and 25 Districts 5 and 30

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Where is the Dempsey Center opening a new location?

Westbrook Downtown Lewiston South Portland

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What change is happening to Portland's purple trash bags?

They are being discontinued They are becoming more durable Their price is going up

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What was the occasion for the Maine State Aquarium's reopening?

A new exhibit launch Windjammer Days Festival A marine conservation event

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