September 12, 2024

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What new development near OakLeaf are Westside residents opposing, even though City Council already approved it?

An asphalt plant A liquor store An Amazon warehouse

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Jacksonville City Council this week approved the community benefits agreement with the Jaguars. How are the city and the team splitting the $300 million in spending?

The Jags are paying most The cost is split 50/50 The city is paying almost all of the agreement

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A law firm has reached a $16 million settlement in a lawsuit filed on behalf of the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department, stemming from a _____ that injured several firefighters.

Cargo ship fire Smoke alarm failure Firetruck crash

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How many Duval students were just arrested for threatening schools around Duval County?

10 students 5 students 2 students

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Which ape recently died at the Jacksonville Zoo due to a Shigella outbreak?

A gorilla named Kevin A chimpanzee named Bob A gibbon named Steve

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Which long-standing St. Augustine establishment is closing?

King's Head British Pub Ripley's Believe it or Not Castillo de San Marcos

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