December 20, 2024
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A business known as BWW is planning an Augusta location — a first for central Maine. What does BWW stand for?
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After stopping at Buffalo Wild Wings in Augusta, you could get some dessert at Queen B’s Bakery. Do you know what you can expect there?
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A familiar food shop has opened in Oakland. It's their third location. What is the name of the new shop that opened in Oakland?
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Deb Tanner, a longtime math teacher at Skowhegan Area Middle School, started the The Sweet Dreams Project in 2016. What is the goal of the project?
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Tom Nale of Waterville created a cookbook and is giving all the proceeds to the Waterville Area Soup Kitchen. What kind of recipes are featured in the cookbook?
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An online poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire's Survey Center tested Maine public opinion about Christmas trees. Are real or artificial trees preferred in Maine?
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